A fresh new start for the CMF association!

A new partner, a new logo, a new slogan

After 40 years of existence, the CMF association is ready for a fresh new start!
Our goal is to provide you with the most comprehensive and up to date customer database in Belgium and Luxemburg, at the lowest price. Since we are a non-profit oriented organization, all our resources are directly invested in increasing the quality of your database and reducing its price.

In order to achieve that goal, we recently enter a partnership with Infonis, a Europe-based company with a long and successful history in database management, CRM & BI tools development and many other services to the pharmaceutical industry. Infonis' experience and expertise in validating and integrating customer databases is a strong asset to make sure you will benefit from the best services related to your customer database.

To celebrate this fresh new start, the CMF association is proud to present you its new logo!

The cloud, of course, represents the new paradigm in database management.  Nowadays, you should be able to access your data whenever you want, wherever you want. The ECG line has two different meanings. First, it is strongly related to your core business: healthcare. Second, it reflects on what the CMF association is willing to achieve: being your preferred partner in customer database management, being "at the heart of your data"!

"At the Heart of YOUR data"

By joining the CMF association, you don't rent someone else's database; you become co-owner of the database.

This unique feature means that you can use it extensively for all your promotional activities without any additional conditions or costs.

Being member of the CMF association also gives you the opportunity to influence the content of the database, its architecture or its accesses.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of being member of our association, please contact us.

Welcome to our new members:

They joined us in 2016: